
Support Shopify Package

Shopify Support Service with high priority, help to install theme by Alothemes, support of fixing issues when using them.

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Shopify Support Service with high priority, help to install theme by Magepow, support of fixing issues when using them.

You are concerned about installing Magepow Extensions, Themes or you may have monthly questions while using them? Let's try and enjoy our Support Package to keep your online store running smoothly and effectively all the time!

Why use Support Package

During using this service, you are available to:

  • Resolve all issues related to using our products with high priority
  • Receive our support within 24 hours, usually from 2 to 4 hours
  • Update lifetime with no charges
  • At least 4 months of support with high priority

How to process

Step 1: Purchase the support package
Step 2: Submit us a ticket about your issues: Alothemes Ticket Support
Step 3: Receive a nearly instant response

Just relax! Magepow Support Team will respond and resolve your problem as soon as possible.

NOTE: Following services are NOT included in this Support package:

Contact Us

If you have any questions about Mosa Themes or our other products. Let's fill in your information and questions below, we will answer you!

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